Navigation & Guidance

The following post deal with the basic of Navigation, mostly aircraft navigation with a little bit knowledge of Control and guidance.

The word Navigation has been derived form a Latin word 'Navigatio'. The word navigation means knowing your position and velocity.

Navigation goes back when man was born. Not only humans, but animals navigate too. Man used to navigate by keeping the in mind the landmarks. But lets not go into the past. The main history of navigation starts with the history of seamen, when they used to navigate while on sea. They used various techniques to navigate their ships in the seas.

Log Line also known as a Chip Log

Sextant, are a few examples of the devices used to find the direction and position of a vessel. Log line or chip log was used to determine their speeds while in the sea. But if you are really interested in reading the History of Navigation, GOOGLE it or click on the following link:

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